Sidra Nursery

المحافظة: القاهرة - مدينة نصر - 13-أ شارع محمد مقلد متفرع من مصطفى النحاس
13-أ شارع محمد مقلد متفرع من مصطفى النحاس
نوع الحضانة:
- إسلامية
- لغات
- الانجليزية
الاجازة الاسبوعية:
- الجمعة
- السبت
المصاريف تبدأ من:
750 جنية
سن القبول:
من 3 شهر
إلى 5 سنوات
مميزات الحضانة:
- أتوبيسات
- تحفيظ قرآن
- استضافة
- وجبات
- حوض سباحة
- العاب ترفيهية
- رعاية طبية
- تقارير متابعة
- رسم
- موسيقى
- حاسب ألى
عن الحضانة:
Our children are welcoming to our nursery where specialist and caring staff take care of them, we provide to our children a healthy, safe and fun environment where children can feel comfortable, happy and unique .This environment is designed to create nurture social development for our children while learning through play, social interaction, self-discovery and self-expression is used.
From our believe that child educational future depend on developing love of learning, fun nursery provide the most up-to-date methods and we make Special meetings for parents on how to raise your kids.
Educational Classes: All classes are fully supports with appropriate activities, games, toys and videos.
Every day we are learning: English, French, Arabic, math and Memorization Quran.
Activities: Sidra nursery has a lot of daily activities that brings joy and fun to our children these activities include: Painting, creative Art crafts, story time , puppets show ,Puzzle ,blocks , Aerobics ,morning circle ,Swimming pool, Educational trips, Organizing Birthdays & monthly parties
Playing Areas: outdoor garden covered form sunlight to protect your child with different games to enjoy their time in the nursery.
• .Open: 8 am – 4 pm. Extra hours available upon request. .
• Three nutrition meals per day (breakfast – lunch – snack)
• Potty training
• Weekly medical care
• Door to door transportation
• Detailed daily reports are provides to children parents and also monthly reports to keep them up to date with their children progress in our nursery.
We invite you to visit our nursery to look around, feel the positive vibes, witness the homely caring atmosphere plus have a glimpse of the lively, smiling , young faces.
صور الحضانة:
حضانات مجاورة

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