Nino Feliz Nursery

المحافظة: القاهرة - مدينة نصر - 7 Abd El Motagaly St, 10th District, From Mostafa Al Nahas St, Beside Manaret Al Eman School.
7 Abd El Motagaly St, 10th District, From Mostafa Al Nahas St, Beside Manaret Al Eman School.
نوع الحضانة:
- لغات
- منتسوري
- الانجليزية
الاجازة الاسبوعية:
- الجمعة
- السبت
المصاريف تبدأ من:
750 جنية
سن القبول:
من 3 شهر
إلى 5 سنوات
مميزات الحضانة:
- أتوبيسات
- تحفيظ قرآن
- استضافة
- وجبات
- حوض سباحة
- العاب ترفيهية
- رعاية طبية
- تقارير متابعة
- رسم
- موسيقى
عن الحضانة:
Our mission is to empower children by placing them in a fun child centered multi-age environment that promotes their innate desire to grow socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
Facilities at "NIÑO FELIZ" Nursery :
- We accept children from 3 months to school age.
- Working hours from 8 am till 4:30 pm Extra time until 7 pm.
- There is hosting on Saturdays and after school.
- We offer hosting by day and on vacations. ( Registration is a must )
- We have fully equipped kitchen providing all nursery meals (Breakfast-Lunch-snacks)
- Doctor visit once a week and on call.
- We offer mid-year program & summer camp.
- We teach Jolly phonics to kids from 2-5 years old.
- Motor skills.
- We teach Arabic, English, Math, Science, Religion, Puppet show, Drama, Music, Art, Crafts, Aerobics and Character building.
- We provide Library and quiet reading area.
- Swimming Pool.
- Communication disorders sessions (Available) جلسات اضطرابات التواصل (تخاطب)
- improving manners sessions (Available) جلسات تعديل سلوك
- Visits & outings.
- Open 51 weeks.
- Bus transportation available upon request.
حضانات مجاورة

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