PARADISE NURSERY - حضانة باراديس

المحافظة: القاهرة - مدينة نصر - حديقة 15 - مشروغ مقاتلى رمضان - من شارع حسن المأمون - بجوار النادى الأهلى (مدينة نصر)
حديقة 15 - مشروغ مقاتلى رمضان - من شارع حسن المأمون - بجوار النادى الأهلى (مدينة نصر)
نوع الحضانة:
- لغات
- منتسوري
- الانجليزية
- الفرنسية
الاجازة الاسبوعية:
- الجمعة
المصاريف تبدأ من:
650 جنية
سن القبول:
من 2 شهر
إلى 10 سنوات
مميزات الحضانة:
- أتوبيسات
- تحفيظ قرآن
- استضافة
- وجبات
- حوض سباحة
- العاب ترفيهية
- رعاية طبية
- تقارير متابعة
- رسم
- موسيقى
- حاسب ألى
عن الحضانة:
PARADISE NURSERY was established in December 1993, and located in the quiet and healthy area & has a v. nice & big nature green garden with a swimming pool.
We offer ultimate care and education for your little ones, looking after the needs of each child in an environment where fun, education and security go hand in hand.
We believe that each child has to be treated as an individual, so all policies and procedures are placed to fulfill this believe.
The quality of care provided by PARADISE is focused on " Putting Childcare first ".
Our aim is to ensure that all children in our care are given the foundation to become :
• Confident Individuals.
• Successful Learners.
• Responsible Citizens.
• Effective Contributors.
Working time :
We are open from : ( Sunday – Thursday ) from ( 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. )
* We also open on ( Friday or Saturday ) if you need .
* Extra time from ( 4:00 pm. )
* Older children are welcome after school .
* One day care service is available.
- Our classes are divided by age group. Languages taught : English, French, Arabic and soon German .
- Parents are provided with a daily report of the child's day. It records the time and amount of each child has eaten, sleep times, bottle times and diaper changes.. The report also shows the activities of the day and achievements earned.
- Medical care is available … but unfortunately we apologize to welcome any child with any illness ..
Programs :
In our program we address all the key areas of development, intellectual, physical and emotional taking into account the interests and needs of all children. We offer experiences and interactions that are safe interesting and challenging.
We believe that children learn better through " Play & Fun " by an indirect ways.
When a child joins PARADISE Nursery & Kids Club , (he/she) will be placed in accordance to their age group:
- Babies : from 2 months to 1 year ( Jasmine Group )
- Toddlers : from 1 year to 2 years ( Lotus Group )
- Juniors : from 2 years to 3 years ( Flowers Group )
- Seniors : from 3 years to pre-school age ( Gladiolus Group )
A development assessment is conducted on the child to evaluate how (he/she) is progressing within (his/her) class. According to the results of that assessment, a meeting is conducted with the parents and the child may be moved from one class to another.
Our program consists of the following :
Circle time: The important period of the day is when new concepts are introduced. Children join together with the teacher to talk about their thoughts.
* Games & Puzzles, Blocks ,Threading & Lacing .
* Reading & Listening : teaching them to enjoy reading and listening to stories.
* Montessori sessions : using Montessori Method.
* Creativity : enhancing talents through painting, coloring, play dough, cutting and pasting.
* Writing : teaching pre-writing and writing skills and enhancing the fine motor and manual dexterity.
* Basics of Math & Science : learning about numbers, counting, weights, nature exploration…..etc.
* Music & songs : Singing English, Francais, Arabic songs & also playing the Piano & Xylophone .
* Aerobics & sports
* Arts & Crafts : by using paints, brushes, play dough, crayons, cartoons, glue, scissors..etc. It is the most preferable time for the children.
Cooking time : teaching children about several kinds of food, they enjoy a lot doing cooking by themselves “ Pizza – Green salad – Fruit Salad – Cake …etc ... “
Qur’an learning : teaching children Quran, and narrating Islamic stories by (El sheikh Mostafa ) & also using Computer program ( El Sheikh Al 7osary )
Puppet show & Clowns party : in our puppet show time we focus on emotional expression, cooperation, kindness, helping, sharing, respect of difference.
Dancing parties : our kids enjoy it daily using folkloric, salsa … etc..
Swimming : from 1st of June till 1st of September ( twice a week = on Monday & Thursday )
** Nutrition : Our kids will enjoy having 3 delicious Meals = Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks ..
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