Sedra Daycare Nursery
المحافظة: القاهرة - التجمع الاول - القاهرة الجديدة, التجمع الأول, أمام سنترال التجمع الأول خلف عمارات الأمن العام, فيلا 6
القاهرة الجديدة, التجمع الأول, أمام سنترال التجمع الأول خلف عمارات الأمن العام, فيلا 6
نوع الحضانة:
- إسلامية
- لغات
- الانجليزية
الاجازة الاسبوعية:
- الجمعة
- السبت
المصاريف تبدأ من:
1200 جنية
سن القبول:
من 6 شهر
إلى 4 سنوات
مميزات الحضانة:
- أتوبيسات
- تحفيظ قرآن
- استضافة
- وجبات
- العاب ترفيهية
- رعاية طبية
- تقارير متابعة
- رسم
عن الحضانة:
*We provide child psychology based curriculum
*Our curriculum is supervised by a child psychiatrist, one of the owners
*We believe that Personal, Social and Emotional Development are three building blocks of future success in life.
*Our aim is to support children's personal development and behaviour according to Islamic principles.
*Age: 6 months to 4 years
Below 1 year will be available soon.
Discount 10 % for second child.
*Working hours: 8 am-4pm
Early hours and waiting are available.
part time option is available
Our program includes:*
- Quran, Islamic manners
- English through Jolly Phonics
- Arabic is an integral part of our curriculum
- Fine and gross motor skills are an essential part of our daily activities.
- Arts and crafts which provide skills for self-expression and communication.
- Outdoor activities in a totally secure and exciting garden.
*Our staff:
- well trained and experienced staff.
- All teachers and staff members undergo monthly trainings conducted by our child psychiatrist concerning teaching methods.
*Meals :
Breakfast- lunch –snack
* Air-conditioned classes
Medical supervision is provided daily*
*Transportations are available.
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