Germination nursery

المحافظة: القاهرة - المقطم - 6299 منطقة ج خلف معرض سيارات سكودا
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- دولية
- الانجليزية
- الفرنسية
- الجمعة
- السبت
مميزات الحضانة:
- تحفيظ قرآن
- استضافة
- وجبات
- حوض سباحة
- العاب ترفيهية
- رعاية طبية
- تقارير متابعة
- رسم
- موسيقى
- حاسب ألى
عن الحضانة:
Germination nursery ”begins to grow” When the conditions are right a seed will start to germinate into a seedling, and in the process it will need care, nourishing and patience until it is ready to blossom into a beautiful plant There is nothing like home that is a fact known for all of us, but here in GERMI we will do our best to make the nursery as warm and comfort as the child’s own home. Video camera At GERMI we have installed video cameras in the garden, where you, as parent, would be able to see your child while playing in the garden depending on his class schedule, you will need a username and a password, and you can get your own account against a fixed fee. For more info please contact the administration.
صور الحضانة:
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